I bet you always wanted to be on the Price is Right huh?
Well here's your chance-
Saturday October 17 - the Super Happy Dance Dj's are throwing the most epic game show party you have ever heard.
Spilt Milk will be Playing Bob Barker himself - and we will have Flowpro doing the job of Rod Roddy.
Some other elements taht may excite you...
Tons of lovely Barker Beauties,
The Wheel - Yes the Freakin Wheel
Plinko - plink plank plonk!
Hole in One!
the most exciting package of prizes available from Circa, Puff, Beatstreet, Voltage, Homebreakin Records, Vincent Park, Shine and Redbull
a bunch of the sickest dj's Spilt Milk, Barry Woo, Wood, Soo, Evo, and Hubbz
We are the same people who brought you the most Fucken Awesome series of Parties to hit Vancouver in years "Fucken Awesome"
- check out our other blog http://superhappydancedeejays.blogspot.com/
Here's the facebook event for updates -
The Dollhouse Studios -
42 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C.
Ya Better....